New Golf Academy with cSwing & GC2 at Silverdale Golf Club
The new academy at Silverdale Golf Club is run by Sam Matthews PGA http://www.sammatthewsgolf.co.uk/
Having had a local builder construct the academy to our specifications and sizes Sam then came to us for the Putting Turf, Tee Up Turf, cSwing Coaching system, Projection Screen,Projector and the curtaining system. Along the way we advised on cable positions which then enabled us to come in and erect the screen and install the computer with the cameras and projector. The computer was fully up to specification to run the GC2 and we supplied a top quality projector to show the GC2 at its best.
Sam now has a warm environment to custom fit in and give Video Coaching lessons. His customers can receive from Sam a full analysis of their lesson via email, Youtube or The Cloud.