Artificial or real? Which putting green is right for you?
While it may seem like a luxury landscaping feature, having your very own backyard putting green can be a great way of improving your game. If you’re looking for a relaxing way to wind down your evenings, or if you’re a dedicated golfer determined to take some strokes off your short game, installing a putting green could be a great move.
However, there are a number of things to take into account before you turn your back garden into your very own golf green. Cost is obviously a major thing to consider, but so is the choice for the putting green’s surface: artificial or real. Each has their own merits and downfalls, so how can you decide which is right for you? Using our guide, we will take you through four key considerations you should make before deciding which is best.
1 – Cost of installation.
There are a number of factors which go into the cost of designing and installing a golf green, including the team you choose to hire and the complexity of your design. Much of the cost involved will also depend on the pre-existing state of your garden. For instance, if you already have high quality grass that could be easily converted into a putting green then that will be much cheaper than installing a brand new artificial turf.
Nonetheless, while natural grass may be cheaper, depending on the design and location of your garden, it might not be a sensible long-term option. Naturally, you will have to wait for the grass to grow before you can use the green. An artificial surface, on the other hand, will mean it is available all year round.
2 – Location.
The first thing to note in terms of the difference between real and artificial putting greens is where they can be placed. For instance, if you know that your garden doesn’t receive much sunlight or that the soil lacks sufficient nutrients, then it could prove difficult being able to maintain a natural grass putting green. If you’re happy to maintain the soil and grass yourself though, then that’s your choice.
Artificial grass has the edge though, as it can be placed anywhere and doesn’t require sunlight or maintenance to stay pristine and beautiful.
3 – Durability.
Nothing beats the look and feel of a beautiful lawn putting green. However, to reach this level of quality requires a lot of time and dedication to maintaining it properly. Natural grass can easily be worn down and lead to other issues, especially with pets or children running all over the green. Likewise, if you know that you are going to be using the green on a regular basis, consistently using it could cause the grass to wear out and die.
Artificial lawns, on the other hand, don’t suffer from these issues. Synthetic grass takes a lot longer to wear down so, if you’re planning on getting a lot of practice done, then artificial grass is probably the way to go.
4 – Play
One of the most important factors to consider when choosing the right surface for your lawn is how well it plays. Due to the ongoing maintenance you have to provide for a real grass surface, it takes a lot of hard work to keep it in a high quality, playable condition. Take your eye off the ball for a few weeks, and the lawn could soon become unplayable.
Conversely, artificial grass requires minimal maintenance and will give you a consistent level of play after it’s been installed. If you don’t have the time to keep a real lawn in tip top condition, an artificial surface is definitely the better choice. Plus, with recent innovations in artificial putting greens, it can be almost impossible to tell the difference in play between them and a real lawn.
For further help or advice on which surface to install on your putting green, contact us today.