Royal Eastbourne Golf Club’s New Trackman Golf Studio.
Mark Packard and Anthony Killik are the PGA Professionals at Royal Eastbourne Golf Club taking over in September 2018. On taking over they were keen to get an indoor studio up and running as quickly as possible. Calling on Golf Swing Systems we came down and looked at several options within the club to see if any of the rooms were suitable. Budget always dictates and it became very apparent that to turn some of the rooms into a suitable indoor studio a lot of cash would have to be spent.
This then raised the question of having a cabin built instead as it would would out cheaper to build a cabin which has the suitable space and would be close to the ProShop. This enables lessons and custom fitting to be carried out all year round no matter what the weather.
Golf Swing Systems came up with the design and then built the cabin catering for the Trackman system in the studio. Size is 7M Deep x 5M wide x 3.5M High to 3M High