The Speed Training Special | GSS are here to make you faster
The biggest name in golf right now is Matt Fitzpatrick. The brand new U.S. Open champion is the talk of the town with his new found swing speed. Gone are his days of modest driving distance and reliance on a steely iron game. The source of this speed? It isn’t extra body weight. Neither is it a new club. It is speed training. His product of choice is TheStack System Club Speed Trainer. Having mentioned this in a press conference, TheStack is now harder to find than hens teeth. If you are looking for an alternative solution to your hankering for speed, then we are here to help. Below you will find our TOP 5 products to grant you some of those speed gains we all desire.
The Rawspeed Swing Trainer
The Rawspeed Golf training aid is designed to improve your swing speed while providing a core muscle workout. This increases performance and improves sequencing in the golf swing to give extra distance off the tee. By using our bespoke Rawspeed Golf training aid with unique interchangeable weight adapter and following our overspeed training and exercise programme you can gain 20 yards or more of distance in less than 8 weeks. When a product is endorsed by one of the longest hitters in the world it is worth paying attention. Martin Borgmeier has achieved feats like a 230+ mph ball speed using training aids like the Rawspeed Swing Trainer. Is there a better endorsement? We don’t think so!
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The Musher Pro Black
The Musher is an innovative exercising accessory that can be used at home or at the gym. This training aid enables individuals to improve core muscle strength whether you are a gym regular or you do occasional workouts at home – The Musher is suited to all fitness levels. Endorsed by 2-time World Long Drive Champ Joe Miller, the new, innovative, piece of equipment that can be used by anyone, anywhere. The rotation of the body in the golf swing is probably one requiring the most precision of all club/racquet/bat wielding sports. The golf swing requires the arms and shoulders to be in a relaxed state such that the body rotation principally swings the arms and club on a precise plane and a precise swing path. The core body muscles are absolutely key to this movement being delivered with consistent accuracy. Make your core stronger, and see your shots fly farther.
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The Twitch Trainer
The Twitch Trainer is a unique patented air resistance swing trainer. By utilising a golf grip and large resistance fan, you can immediately begin producing greater club head speeds on the course. Twitch movement training will improve your coordination , tempo, sequence and release by focusing on conditioning the segments of the rotational sequence that produce maximal club head speed. The Twitch Trainer is great for all golfers, any age and skill level. By following the Twitch Training 60 day program, you can condition your body to fire faster and in the correct sequence during your golf swing. When you remove the resistance and stand on the tee you will find extra lag and momentum built into your natural golf swing.
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Orange Whip Swing Trainer
The Orange Whip is the perfect swing trainer, and functions as an excellent fitness tool for golfers of all abilities. Available in four sizes, golfers can replicate playing with almost any club. The Orange Whip was developed to provide a workout for core muscles as well as to help golfers naturally improve their swing. Something that every golfer has in common is that they want to play better golf. One problem many face, is that athletic ability is not utilised correctly which reduces power and affects consistency on the course. Getting a stronger core helps accelerate the learning process, improving key aspects including your rhythm, tempo, balance and timing. When all of these factors are tied together, it adds up to faster swing speed, more consistent strike quality and longer drives.
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The Power Swing Fan
Without question, the Power Swing Fan is one of the easiest and most effective products for increasing distance and control available on the market today. The Power Swing Fan golf swing trainer uses four fins to create progressive resistance, teaching you to accelerate smoothly through the ball. This improves tempo and develops increased clubhead speed. One of the all time great training aids. PGA Master Professional, Dr. Gary Wiren says “Within 2-3 weeks you should be able to feel more control of the club, hitting longer and straighter shots. you won’t be disapointed; I guarantee it! Good golfing”